Security Lights

Orrville Utilities, a public power community, is addressing energy efficiency and looking to the future while meeting customers energy needs.  One of the focuses is energy-efficient security lights. In the past Orrville Utilities offered different types of security lights, mercury vapor and high pressure sodium security lights. The mercury vapor lights have all been replaced with energy-efficient LED 's.  The high pressure sodium security lights are also being replaced in planned phases.  Customers have a choice of either unmetered security lights or metered security lights.  All new security lights  will be LED. The new 60 Watt LED security lights produce more light per watt of power consumed than past conventional lights.  These lights have a longer life, which equals  increased reliability and reduced maintenance costs as well as being brighter.  Contact us at 330.684.5140, if you are interested in a security light. Learn more below.


Metered Security Light Monthly            Rental Fee

Unmetered Security Light Monthly Rental Fee

60 Watt- LED Security Light 
$ 2.30

If a new pole is required, the pole may be purchased and installed for a contract price of $225. The pole may also be rented at a contract price of $3.60 per month after an installation fee of $46.

Customers may also purchase security lights under the following conditions:

  1. The light will be sold at the City's current market price. 
  2. Installation cost for the light will be $41.00.
  3. The light must be metered.
  4. The customer will be responsible for connecting the light.
  5. The customer will be responsible for maintaining their light OR may choose to pay a monthly charge of $2.30 for the City of Orrville to maintain it.