To report a Utility problems, including power outages, call 844-734-6366. This line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
During regular business hours ,please use one of the numbers listed below.:
Billing Office
P.O. Box 107 Orrville, OH 44667
Office Hours - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday)
Phone: (330) 684-5020, Option 3 to speak with a customer service representative.
Fax: (330) 684-5068
Utility Board of Directors
Michele Abel, President -
Steve Combs - Vice- President -
Rich Corfman -
Joe Messenger -
Russell Miller -
Utility Administration
Jeff Brediger, Director of Utilities
Brenda Green , Adminisrative Assistant/Accountant
Phone: (330) 684-5012
Fax: (330) 684-5040
Electric Operations
Jeff Brediger, Director of Utilities
Bruce Lab
Craig Zerga
Paul Skidmore
Phone: (330) 684-5100
Fax: (330) 684-5122
Electric Distribution Department
Jeff Vogelhuber, Distribution Superintendent
Jeremy Wolford, Assistant Superintendent
Phone: (330) 684-5140
Fax: (330) 684-2997
GIS/CAD Department
Mark Bergman, GIS/CAD Systems Coordinator
Phone: (330) 684-5044
Fax: (330) 684-5040
Water Department
Kevin Givins, Water Superintendent
Matt Jones
Phone: (330) 684-5135
Fax: (330) 684-5134
Purchasing/Materials Department
Scott Myers, Materials Manager
Mike Besancon
Ben VanZile
Phone: (330) 684-5145
Fax: (330) 684-5148
Technical Services
Jeff Fenningsdorf , Utility Computer Systems Administrator
Brandt Smith
Chuck Clark
Anthony Immel
Fiber Services
Steve Gulsby
Phone: (330) 684-5096
Fax: (330) 684-5148
Wastewater Department
Steve Carathers, Wastewater Superintendent
Mitch Lambert, Assistant Superintendent
David Brenneman
Phone: (330) 684-5166
Fax: (330) 684-5155