The primary goals of the City of Orrville Wastewater Department are to provide residents and businesses with efficient wastewater collection and treatment services. The department issued its first connection permit on November 21, 1908. The original treatment facility was utilized until 1951, when a new wastewater plant was constructed at our current location. Major renovations and additions occurred in 1967 and 1989. The recent replacement of several major pieces of water treatment equipment and ongoing preventative maintenance make expansions in the immediate future unlikely.
The Wastewater Department has 9 full time employees. There are 6 certified operators, 2 maintenance persons and 1 clerical person. These employees manage the collection system, lab duties and plant operations. The wastewater plant staff works together to evaluate ways to improve water treatment processes, as well as reduce maintenance requirements and energy costs.
Collection System
Orrville's collection system consists of over 42 miles of underground pipe ranging from 8 to 42 inches in diameter, as well as 3 Lift Stations that are monitored via fiber optics. Orrville's collection system is not a combined storm/sanitary system. The system does, however, receive additional flow during extended rain periods. Excess flow is stored in one of our 3 equalization basins for treatment.
Solids Handling System
Two anaerobic digesters, operating in series, treat solids produced at our facility. Each 50-foot digester has a 265,000 gallon capacity. The primary digester is heated by a natural gas- and methane-fired hot water boiler. After gravity thickening, Class B sludges are applied to City- and privately-owned agricultural fields by a private contractor.